Custom Designed Jewelry

Custom Jewelry Making Process
The hardest part of the jewelry design process is getting the vision from your head, onto paper. We ask our customers to bring with them any inspiration that they’ve seen; be it a screenshot from a website, a tear out from a magazine, even a hand sketched drawing will help us to understand what you’re after. There are a few ways to create a piece of jewelry; fabrication, wax carving, and CAD. Once we’ve determined what we’re making, we will determine which of the three processes will work best and a simple sketch and/or a CAD rendering will be provided along with the cost and time frame for production.
Jewelry Fabrication
is done by bench jewelers to assemble separate elements to integrate them into a finished jewelry item. The process often requires a jeweler to intertwine multiple precious metal components by soldering or using a laser machine.
When carving a wax ring
the carving process begins by sawing off a slice of wax from a preformed block, taking care to make sure the sides are flat and parallel since we’ll be using them to mark and measure. The center is enlarged to correct finger size, and calipers are used to mark the wax accordingly. Finer hand tools are used to refine the final shape.
A CAD model, or “Computed-Aided Design”
is a 3d digital model of an object. Although we prefer to hand carve our wax models, 3d models are becoming essential in modern jewelry design. It is basically design that occurs in a program on a computer, where you can create three-dimensional objects in the virtual world